"Edited to Add"....

This started as a pregnancy blog when I fell pregnant in May 2009 after four years of finding a donor, doing all the counselling / paperwork / tests and trying.

And now, thanks to a 4WD which skidded onto our side of the road, killing our baby daughter at 34w and injuring me, my partner and two of my stepdaughters on 27 December 2009, it has turned into something else. We didn't want this something else, but apparently it is all we've got to go on with.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Remember how I mentioned that great big list on our wall with things to do in order for the move to happen?

Well, I'm very happy to report that I have no idea whether we did indeed fulfil all those tasks, but we are here, in Melbourne (tick!) all our worldly belongings (ie the ones we didn't sell / put in the brotherhood bins) are here, and safe in storage (tick!), decrepit rental house is cleaned, condition report done and keys returned (tickticktick!), beloved beasties are staying at their quasi-rural cattery/kennels (tick!). We made it to Melbourne in good time for the Grand Gathering of the Long-Faced Kin (aka my extended family "cousin's day"), and enjoyed huge amounts of kissing of cheeks and exclaiming over my huge belly, whilst devouring traditional meringues and egg sandwiches. Tick! And we survived a significant number of hours in a suburban shopping centre, managing to gather small material tokens of our love for the family. TICK!

Each time we hit one of these milestones, El Prima and I bumped headed with relief, and murmured "tick!" - each of these taking us a little closer to getting ready for Haloumi.

The girls are managing like champions - putting in a huge effort to help with the packing and moving (and the multiple trips to the brotherhood bin) - though Snazzy was a bit sad on cousin's day because she missed family.

We've also gone for a birthing centre appointment - and met the Best Midwife Ever. We are really really hoping she will be on duty when Haloumi decides to make an exit. She was very reassuring, and said it would be good if I could do lots of sitting on kitchen chairs backwards cowboy-style in order to get Haloumi wiggling around to a proper anterior position. At the moment (or at the time of the appointment at least), Haloumi had his/her back towards my left side - which is not bad but things will still be easier if she/he can turn a bit to have his/her back at my front. And on Wednesday, we had an ultrasound just to check that my placenta is not low-lying. In fact, it is a good 4cm away from my cervix (yay!) and the ultrasound tech said Haloumi's head was very "well applied" to my cervix - not quite sure what that means, but I'm sure it is good.

We're now installed at my dad & stepmum's house in traditional christmas mode - has been lovely. But after having Mum stay for nearly 3 weeks, I miss seeing her every day. At least, for Christmas Day we're having her over for lunch at Dad's - which will make it the first time we've had them both at the Christmas table since 1987!

Wishing everyone a fabulous festy season & hoping you get a good break from all the normal things. xxx

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Choo-Choo! (and a question about Chiropractors)

Thank you so much for your lovely encouraging words on my last post!! I feel like the little red engine chugging up the hill saying "I think I can, I think I can". (BTW - does anyone remember the "Oh my god" collaboration between Pink and Peaches featuring that line? *fans self* ahem...)

But we are getting there! After a crazy, hard week or so, the marking is done, the review is done, we have gotten rid of two stationwagon-loads of stuff at our local market (and made $250!) and put out lots of old / broken furniture for our council clean-up. The girls have been absolutely amazing helping with all the packing and market work. Thanks to my mum, much of our kitchen & linen is packed, and we're on the way with the girls rooms and our rooms. One week to go now! I'm up in Newcastle for various meetings, and just gave a research seminar. Next week I'll still have some research work, but can also devote a lot more time to packing and preparing.

In the midst of all the chaos, Haloumi has been kicking and moving around lots. I spoke to a woman yesterday whose daughter was born at 30 weeks - she spent her first 6 weeks in hospital and much of it in a humicrib, but was all okay. I'm very glad Haloumi seems to been quite happy to stay put - let's hope things stay that way until at least the end of January!

I found out a few weeks ago that a friend of mine who is living in France is about to have her baby any time in the next couple of weeks. So exciting.

On the recommendation of the midwife who ran the birthing course we did, I went to see a chiropractor on Monday (don't worry - she's also a midwife & is specialised in chiro during pregnancy). I guess I wasn't sure if the lower back soreness and stiffness I've been getting is just normal for pregnancy or whether there is anything much I can do about it. It was the first time I've ever been to one and it was quite weird. I've made a tenative appointment to see her again the day before we move but I'm in two minds about whether to cancel or not - partly because we'll probably need that time for packing and preparing for the move, but also because the treatment philosophy seems to be all about coming back for regular (expensive!) "adjustments" administered by the chiro, rather than about what I can do myself in the way of posture / exercise / stretches etc to improve my health & spine function. If you've had chiro treatment (especially in pregnancy) - did it work? Given that I'm really not in that much pain, I'd probably prefer to spend the same money on getting a massage... which will be more relaxing and enjoyable.