"Edited to Add"....

This started as a pregnancy blog when I fell pregnant in May 2009 after four years of finding a donor, doing all the counselling / paperwork / tests and trying.

And now, thanks to a 4WD which skidded onto our side of the road, killing our baby daughter at 34w and injuring me, my partner and two of my stepdaughters on 27 December 2009, it has turned into something else. We didn't want this something else, but apparently it is all we've got to go on with.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


The lab promised to send me a letter telling me whether any of the other 8 embryos made it to blastocyst stage in order to be frozen.  When it hadn't arrived after a week, I was worried that perhaps none of them had survived long enough to freeze.  So yesterday, I made the call, and asked the nurses to tell me - two six-day embryos frozen!  Whatever else happens with this cycle, I'm taking that as excellent news.  Lovely procrastinating little embryos.

As for this one - the one transferred last week?  I have a blood test Friday to see if it is planning to stick around.  Now that it is only two days away, I can feel a magnetic force pulling me forward in time - I just want to skip ahead, to get that phone call from the lab.  But only if it is good news!  As for peeing on a stick - we'll see how far my patience lasts.  If I tested tomorrow, that would be 15 dpo, so there'd be a decent chance it would be accurate.  Meanwhile, I'm trying to breathe in the sunshine.


  1. So excited for you. I am keeping my fingers crossed and, Yay! Good Little Procrastinating Blastocysts!

  2. Gosh I'm totally hanging on pins and needles with. Hoping hoping hoping.

  3. I am blowing sunshine at you!! Oh, everything crossed for you. xoxox

  4. ooh GOOD LUCK on all fronts!!!! I will check back tomorrow for good POAS news!!!

  5. Keeping my fingers crossed and praying hard for you.

  6. 2 - is brilliant. well done. peeeeeee
    xxx xxxx

  7. Everything crossed. Everything.

  8. Im crossing everything for you that Friday brings great news. Im so excited for you!!!

  9. That's good news. Good luck for the next few days!

  10. Thinking all the best thoughts for you. ♥

  11. I am sending you so many positive vibes that you will receive good news in a couple of days!!!!!
